Teatro Regional Lucho Gatica of Rancagua will broadcast its Pagliacci and other shows on YouTube

It is a production of the Theater released in 2019, one of the most popular operas worldwide, whose local version was set in Sewell, a Chilean city heritage of the humanity.
In order to accompany the public in their homes and continue contributing to access to culture, Teatro Regional Lucho Gatica in Rancagua (Chile) has launched digital programming through its multiple platforms. This “virtual billboard” contemplates the generation of new content and also the diffusion of videos of previous presentations, so that they can be enjoyed by those who could not see them live and also by people who want to enjoy these again. Thus, it also increases its reach among people.
The decision was made by the Culture and Arts Corporation of the Municipality of Rancagua, in charge of this Theater, starting by publishing its Pagliacci. 2019It is an own production of one of the most popular operas worldwide, whose local version was set in Sewell, a world heritage site. Through the YouTube channel “Teatro Regional Lucho Gatica” and its campaign # LaCorporaciónTeAcompaña, #CompartamosCultura, those who did not see the play live will be able to appreciate it in all its splendor and also those who had the opportunity to observe it beforehand.
“At times like this it is important not only to take care of physical health, but also mental health, to stay healthy and face this situation positively. Historically, culture has played a key role in this and that is why we must continue to do what we do best: strengthen access to culture, a fundamental right, in accordance with this particular context and adapting ourselves to the situation, ”says Paula Gannat Ojeda. , Executive Director of the Corporation.
This production by Pagliacci had Rodrigo Navarrete as stage director and maestro Eduardo Díaz in musical direction. The cast was led by lyric singers José Azócar (Canio), Marcela González (Nedda), Eleomar Cuello (Silvio), Matías Moncada (Tonio), and David Rojas (Beppe). The Polyphonic Choir and the Children’s Choir of Rancagua also participated, in addition to the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Teatro Regional Lucho Gatica.
Added to this material are D-Days, phrases from creators, capsules of artists from the region and records of productions that highlight the talent of the Orchestral Program, the Rancagua Polyphonic Choir and the various training workshops, also inviting visitors to discover the Cultural spaces through recorded tours of Teatro Regional Lucho Gatica and the House of Culture of Rancagua.
It is important to emphasize the Corporation’s concern for regional artists, maintaining its training workshops, with more than 47 contracted teachers and 51 workshops, who are currently teaching classes for
Internet and through the provision of videos for students, in this way the training program continues and increases its scope, with free workshops for unlimited places, all those who want to access them can participate, of which we will be reporting in April from the networks social theater.
In parallel, the Corporation works to adapt an agreement with the Rancagua Municipal Corporation, this in the training line and aimed at educational communities, developing it according to the needs and visual resources appropriate to the contingency, Art Education being a fundamental tool for this complex period.