Teatro Municipal de Temuco Camilo Salvo

Address: Av. Pablo Neruda 01380, Temuco, Araucanía.
Telephone: +56 45 297 3470
Web: https://corporaciontemuco.cl/
Facebook: teatromunicipalcamilosalvo

Instagram: @teatromunicipal_temuco

Twitter: @teatrotemuco

YouTube: Teatro Municipal Temuco


Review: It opens on February 24, 1998, with the staging of the masterpiece “Carmina Burana” by Carl Orff, performed by the Choir and the Symphony Orchestra of Chile. The Theater has 6 stable bodies: the Temuco Municipal Theater Choir, the Temuco Municipal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Children’s Choir, the Municipal Theater Youth Orchestra, the Temuco Folkloric Ballet and the Temuco Children’s Folkloric Ballet.

In 2007, during the administration of Mayor Francisco Huenchumilla, the Municipal Corporation for the Cultural Development of Temuco was created, a non-profit organization that currently manages the artistic production and financial management of the Municipal Theater. This initiative has made it possible to give a new boost to the artistic activity of this entertainment center, thanks to an expeditious link with the private world and the tax benefits of the Donations Law.

Thanks to the intimate connection between the Theater and its public, in little more than a decade of history this cultural center has staged more than 400 shows, which with great artistic quality have welcomed classical and folkloric ballet, contemporary dance, learned music and popular, theater, opera and zarzuela.