Teatro del Lago presents documentary “Journey to the origin of the opera”

Led by the director of the School of the Arts Teatro del Lago, João Aboim, who introduces us to this global art that puts on stage various artistic disciplines.
This Saturday, August 28, Teatro del Lago will premiere on its website, the documentary Journey to the Origin of the Opera conducted by João Aboim, director of the Escuela de las Artes Teatro del Lago, who will guide us, through a cultural tour, through the cities that saw the birth and growth of this genre. Passing through the places where this form of spectacle was born and developed, specifically in the city of Florence during the last years of the Renaissance. We will learn about the history of this multidisciplinary genre, the origin of lyrical traditions and the creation of the Camerata Fiorentina, or Camerata de ’Bardi, a group that gave rise to this new way of combining music with other forms of art.
The documentary also includes interesting interviews with the maestro Federico Maria Sardelli, composer and conductor specializing in music from the time of the Camerata Fiorentina, and the stage director Pier Francesco Maestrini, heir to a historical tradition of lyrical opera related to the city of Florence
Recorded in Italy, specifically in Florence, in unforgettable locations and landscapes. A Teatro del Lago production with music specially composed for the occasion of the Ensamble Teatro del Lago. Premiere August 28 at 7 p.m. at www.teatrodellago.cl