Teatro del Lago ofrece cursos y clases magistrales de música, canto y danza durante el verano 2019

The activities will be led by outstanding Chilean and foreign teachers, who will teach classes for adults, youth and children from 4 years old. Body percussion, choral singing, modern dance, ballet and instrumental interpretation are some of the courses that will be offered in Frutillar
This summer Teatro del Lago will offer courses and master classes for children, young people and adults who want to get closer or deepen their knowledge about music, song and dance by leading national and international artists and teachers.
“The magic of music, singing and dance lies in being a universal language that unites all people, regardless of their previous knowledge, their age or their talents. With this conviction we offer each year these deepening options for those who have already formally initiated an artistic path, as well as for all the families of the country, visitors of Frutillar and all those who want to have a first approach to these disciplines “, says Carmen Gloria Larenas, artistic director of the theater.
During January and February, various courses and master classes will be held: In ballet and contemporary dance, for example, courses will be offered for seven different levels, ranging from 4 years and up. Led by the director of the Dance School of the Theater, Macarena Montecino, the participants will learn and can deepen the technical and artistic aspects of dance in courses that will be held between January 7 and 11th.
One of the novelties this summer will be the special body percussion course, a technique that allows you to create sounds and rhythms using only body parts. The Spanish Santi Serratosa, prominent music therapist, percussionist and composer, will be one of those in charge of leading the seven days of classes (14th-20th January) in which children from 8 years old will be able to immerse themselves in the music and sound created with the body. The classes will be complemented with choral techniques, by the director of the Choral School Teatro del Lago, the Catalan Quim Piqué and Nerea de Miguel, Spanish, musician, singer and actress. The school will have three different classes, divided according to the age of the participants.
The same Serratosa will also on January 15th and 17th a master class on its original SSM Method (Signaling – Sequencing – Music) that, based on sound and musical resources, seek to facilitate the appearance of sensory, cognitive and emotional processes around the music.
The students violin and double bass will also be able to perfect their skills guided by the outstanding masters Mark Messenger, string chief of the Royal College of Music, London, and Sebastián Espinosa, double bass professor at the Universidad Mayor. Classes will be from February 9th to 16th and those interested should send videos interpreting various repertoires to participate in the selection process.
Meanwhile, during the 16th to 24th February will be held the traditional Master Course of Music of International Chamber (CMMC International), which in this seventh version will be led by the outstanding cellist, Anna Carewe. This course is an initiative of Teatro del Lago that seeks to create an artistic training space around chamber music, where students can start their studies in this musical style or deepen them. Along with Carewe, there will also be international masters Philip Mayers on piano, Sonja Starke on violin, Miriam Götting on viola and Sacha Rattle on clarinet. The course closes on February 24 with a concert at the Teatro del Lago Amphitheater.
The values of the courses, whose applications and registrations are already open at www.teatrodellago.cl vary according to the class and Teatro del Lago has scholarships and discounts of up to 50%, whose requirements are also available on its website.