Chilean Soprano will participate in the final of the Paris Opera Competition

From more than 300 applicants from all over Europe and Latin America, Yaritza Véliz is the Chilean soprano selected to participate in the final of the recognized contest.
After auditions for the 6th version of the Paris Opera Competition in Latin America, the chilean soprano Yaritza Véliz has been selected to participate in the final of the contest, which will take place on January 19th, 2019 at Champs Elysées theatre in Paris.
“We wanted to take advantage of the opportunity and create an instance of greater impact for the participants. Who besides auditioning for the contest, could also appear before specialists from different theatres of the world who are permanently in search of voices for opera productions” says Andrés Rodríguez-Spoerer, Music Manager of Fundación Ibáñez Atkinson.
For this, the Chilean Institution built a panel of strategic advisors which included: Udo Gefe, musical adviser Theaters of Dortmund and Nurnberg, Germany; Alejandro Abrante, Intendant of the opera of Tenerife, Spain; Matthew Wild, Artistic Director of Opera Cape Town, South Africa; Alejandra Martí, Executive Director of OLA; Carmen Gloria Larenas, Artistic Director Teatro del Lago and Andrés Rodríguez-Spoerer, Music Manager of Fundación Ibáñez Atkinson.