Teatro Macedonio Alcalá de Oaxaca

Address: Independencia N° 900, Colonia Centro, Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca, México.
Phone: +52 95 1516 8312

Email: teatro_alcala@hotmail.com
Facebook: teatromacedonioalcala/

Instagram: @teatromalcala


Abstract: In 1903 construction began and ended 6 years later, in 1909. The inauguration took place on September 5, 1909. It was originally a Casino Theater, called Luis Mier y Terán. Later it was renamed General Jesús Carranza, at the time of the revolution. It was in the thirties that he was finally named Macedonio Alcalá in honor of the nineteenth-century Mexican musician and composer, author of the Waltz “Dios Nunca Muere”, as well as hosting plays that hosted boxing fights and film performances. until the orating happened at the end of the 90 that only cultural activities are carried out as the transmission of the opera live from the Met in New York.