Quito a un click: Don’t miss the streaming of the first OLA Communications Forum
Being faithful to the policy of using technology to cross the geographical barriers of the vast continent, the first OLA Communications and Audiences Forum will be broadcast live via streaming. Access will be available from Wednesday 24 on the website of the National Theater Sucre
For the first time in the 11 years of the Association, the city of Quito will receive on October 24 and 25 the representatives of the departments of communications, audiences, marketing and artistic education of the theaters members of OLA. The participants will share their good practices and methodologies, in addition, they will work together with invited panelists from Europe, the United States and Latin America, in the challenge of improving digital communication and working with the audiences of their theaters.
The panelists are the Marketing Director of the Sarasota Opera House, Carlos Vicente in charge of the Marketing conference; to talk about Communications we will have Francisco Ramos, Deputy Director of Marketing Teatro Real in Madrid; Violaine Fournier, member of the Executive Committee of RESEO (European Network for Education in Opera and Dance) will lead the area of Education; while the Chilean cultural critic and manager Javier Ibacache, will direct the hearing conference.
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OLA Firts Communications & Audiences Forum Streaming – Quito 2018