Leading national and international directors and soloists will be part of 2019 CEAC season

It will be a year marked by great concerts and guest conductors, the transition process towards the new concert hall that is being built in Vicuña Mackenna 20, besides the departure of the one who was the conductor of the orchestra for five years, maestro Leonid Grin
El Teatro Universidad de Chile, the Center for Arts and Cultural Extension, CEAC, unveiled its music programming 2019. In the end, the agencydirector, Diego Palacios Matte, announced the milestones that mark the next season of the Symphony Orchestra National of Chile, among them 18 official programs, with works of great composers such as Mozart, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Mahler, Brahms and Tchaikovsky. In addition, national music will also be present through composers such as Gustavo Becerra, Leni Alexander and Cirilo Vila, among others.
Also, important artists will meet at the theater located in the heart of Santiago, where the presence of two female batons stands out: the well-known director in Chile, Ligia Amado, as well as the debut in the country of Jessica Cottis.
In the presentation, which had the musical participation of the soloists of the orchestra, Marcelo González on violin, Maria Chiossi on harp, and Héctor Leyton on double bass, Diego Matte, Director of CEAC, also evaluated what was a successful season 2018. Thus, he valued the great artistic contribution of the teacher Leonid Grin, who leaves the ownership of the orchestra after five years in charge of the group. “We are very grateful and satisfied for the achievements, among which the artistic maturity of the Orchestra stands out, which in some way has been reflected in a sustained increase in subscribers and the public,” he said.
He added that “the CEAC has had an increase of 11% of public by function with respect to the previous year, surpassing the average that has been 8% during the last years. Also, the public of educational activities has increased by 28% during the last three years. In terms of subscribers, there has been a sustained increase of 10% every year for the last three years. In economic terms, the CEAC has achieved an increase of 20% of its income from artistic activities, which has allowed it to gradually improve aspects of the ensemble’s equipment, together with the reduction of its expenditures. In addition to these achievements, the CEAC still celebrates the purchase of the Universidad de Chile Theater, which will allow it to reduce costs and apply for public funds to enhance this valuable cultural space. “
The beginning of the official season of the National Symphony Orchestra of Chile, for March 2019, will feature the baton of the prominent national director Helmuth Reichel scheduled, who will direct two programs, with works Copland, Stravinsky, Beethoven, Brahms and Bartok.
Also returning will be directorsJuan Pablo Izquierdo, Jose Luis Dominguez, Paolo Bortolameolli, Rodolfo Fischer, Francisco Rettig, Guillermo Rojas, Ligia Amadio, Ola Rudner, Garrett Keast and Rodolfo Saglimbeni, some of them as part of the official season while others will participate. of the extension season. To them is added who was the owner of the group from 2014 to 2018, the teacher Leonid Grin. Also, new directors will also arrive at the University Theater of Chile, such as Wilson Hermanto, Jessica Cottis and Michael Seal.
On the other hand, important soloists will be presented throughout the year. On the violin will be the Chilean currently living in Europe, Bastian Loewe; the German Tobias Fledmann, distinguished in the Queen Elizabeth Contest in Brussels, the Joseph Joachim International Competition in Hanover and the German Music Contest; and the young Jamaican Ellinor D’Melon, who has amazed the specialized critic for her interpretive maturity, counting on her young age with a successful career.
On the piano stand out the Russian interpreter of great trajectory, Eleonora Karpukhova, winner of several international competitions, among them the Contest Dr. Luis Sigall of Viña del Mar; the also Russian pianist Boris Petrushansky, who has developed a dazzling career started in his native country and consolidated in Italy; and the soloist of the Symphonic and National Music Award President of the Republic 2016, Luis Alberto Latorre.
It will also be part of the programming one of the most acclaimed and acclaimed clarinetists of Venezuela, formed within the so-called “System”, David Medina, who took on as clarinet soloist of the Symphony in 2018, which will perform the Concerto for Clarinet by Aaron Copland.
As for singers, the presence of the Uruguayan baritone Alfonso Mujica, opera, oratorio, zarzuela and lied, who has a special relationship with the work of Gustav Mahler, with which he debuted at the Teatro Colón stands out. He also sang in Uruguay, Brazil, Guatemala and the Republic of El Salvador. This time he will arrive in Chile to interpret Canciones de un caminante, by this great German composer.
On the other hand, the Symphonic Choir and the Vocal Camerata of the University of Chile will tackle some works that the public seldom has the opportunity to listen to on national stages. Thus, highlights the great Romantic work of Antonín Dvorák, Stabat Mater, and the premiere in Chile of the Cantata Misericordium, by Benjamin Britten.
Along with this, the Symphonic Choir will be part of the Holy Week concert, interpreting Mozart’s Requiem, one of the most important religious compositions of the choral symphonic repertoire of Classicism. He will also address the secular Cantata Walpurgisnacht, by Felix Mendelssohn, and the Symphony of the Psalms, by the great Russian composer of the 20th century, Igor Stravinsky.
For its part, the Vocal Camerata will also offer a Coral season with three concerts that will include repertoires from different eras. The first of them will be dedicated to the great influence of Gregorian chant in the music of the 20th century, highlighting the work of the Swiss composer Frank Martin. The second will be a tribute to the French composer Francis Poulenc, on the 120th anniversary of his birth, while the third will review the history of folk-root music in the Americas, combining pre-Columbian music and music written after the arrival of the settlers European.
After two successful seasons, the Cycle of Pianists of the University Theater of Chile will continue with a program dedicated to the figure of the great Polish composer, Frédéric Chopin.
There will be six recitals with national and international musicians – who maintain a close relationship with Chile – where the public will be able to enjoy the varied work of this prolific composer. His dancing waltzes, poetic nocturnes, heroic polonaises and passionate ballads will be part of this season, which will feature pianists Alexandros Jusakos, Svetlana Kotova, Pablo Echaurren, Armands Abols and Mahani Teave.
In addition, and exceptionally, the cycle will include a concert dedicated to Chopin’s chamber music, which has great richness and depth, and which will be performed by pianists Tamara Buttinghausen and Luis Alberto Latorre, along with Guillermo Lavado on flute , Katharina Paslawsky on violoncello and Richard Biaggini on violin.
In addition to the above, Diego Matte presented attendees the progress of the project that will provide the set of the first acoustic room in the country especially designed for symphony orchestras. “We hope that within three years we can now have the new orchestra hall, which is a great wish for all.”
The director of CEAC also noted that work is being done with the professional advice of acoustic engineers Gustavo Basso and Rafael Sánchez, who have carried out internationally recognized work in the hall, such as the Colon of Buenos Aires, the Blue Whale of the CCK Cultural Center and the San Juan Bicentennial Theater. In this way, it is expected that the new room has one of the best natural acoustics in the country.
Tickets for the different programs will maintain the current values during 2018, with prices ranging from $6,000 ($9USD) to $15,000 ($22USD) chilean pesos for the general public. Meanwhile, season tickets start at $40,000 ($60USD) chilean pesos and consider different options that allow attendees to choose according to their preferences. On such prices – unit entries and season tickets – the public can access discounts of up to 40% for students, senior citizens and University Chile officials, in addition to other discounts by agreement.
The sale of tickets will be available starting Wednesday, December 5th, 2018 at the box office of the University of Chile Theater, Providencia 43, Metro Baquedano, Tuesday through Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
More information on the telephones (+56) 22 978 2480 – 22 978 2481, or writing to boleteriatuch@gmail.com.