OLA is made up of theatres, companies and festivals of different scales and countries with varied backgrounds. The essence of networking is that the associated organisations generate relationships of trust and collaboration that allow them to nourish each other by exchanging good practices in different areas of management and developing joint projects. Through different actions, OLA articulates these links and puts professionals from different areas of the network’s member entities in contact. (About us link)
OLA has developed networking forums among its members, which are opportunities for theatre teams to connect with each other, generate business networks and share good practices, thus helping to professionalise the sector. The current forums are: marketing, fundraising, technical and artistic programming.. Check them here–>
Parte de nuestro desarrollo comunicacional comprende el relevar el patrimonio artístico latinoamericano por medio del desarrollo de secciones especializadas como Ópera y otras hierbas y El teatro del mes, entre otras iniciativas. Por medio de los canales de comunicación de OLA, página web, redes sociales y newsletter a una base de datos especializada de 8 mil contactos en teatros del mundo, el equipo de comunicaciones de OLA comunica periódicamente las noticias de sus asociados. Leer más –>
Las conferencias de OLA se realizan una vez al año y reúnen a los teatros miembros para desarrollar los temas concernientes a la red. Se realiza en distintos teatros de Latinoamérica para dar vitrina a los anfitriones, presentar su trabajo y talentos locales.
Entre otros temas, durante los encuentros se trabajan los objetivos y desafíos de la asociación y gestión de los teatros miembros Los encuentros tienen por objetivo ser la instancia en la que la promoción y circulación de información se realice; convenios y coproducciones se gestionan; temas a tratar en futuros foros se definan y formación profesional de los distintos trabajadores y representantes de los teatros. Leer más –>
(ES) Un diálogo honesto y constructivo en torno a las oportunidades que implica la colaboración entre teatros y compañías vinculadas a la ópera se dio en la 16ª Conferencia Anual de OLA.
(ES) El Tercer Encuentro de Teatros Iberoamericanos se propuso reflexionar y establecer líneas de trabajo para generar propuestas de valor para las comunidades del territorio iberoamericano.
(ES) El Tercer Encuentro Iberoamericano de Teatros, organizado por Ópera Latinoamérica (OLA), Ópera XXI y el Gran Teatre del Liceu, se llevará a cabo los próximos 6, 7 y 8 de abril en el Gran Teatre del Liceu.
On December 14th and 15th, the Ópera Latinoamérica Annual Conference was held at Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, along with the first face-to-face meeting of Argentinian opera houses. More than 45 lyrical organizations gathered in two days of work that installed new guidelines for the sustainability of the lyrical scene management
The instance will be carried out virtually between June 29 and July 2. In addition to a meeting between the theaters associated with the OLA network (June 29), the meeting will also discuss issues of the lyrical and theatrical scene in a Technical Forum (July 1 and 2) and the
A successful Ibero-American Meeting of OLA & Ópera XXI Theatres concluded after nine days of talks, technical, marketing and communications forums During the OLA Assembly, Carmen Gloria Larenas, director of Municipal of Santiago theatre was appointed part of the board of directors of OLA. And it was announced that the 2021
Between August 13 and 16, 2019 the Sodre National Auditorium next to the Solís Theater in Montevideo will host the 12th Annual OLA Meeting and II Technical Forum, which gives continuity to the initiative held in 2017 in Buenos Aires. . The high call generated by the first forum of technical directors
After two intense days in which strategies were exchanged and different projects presented, the Communication and Marketing Committee was created, which will give continuity to the work started during OLA's annual meeting in Quito . This year the 11th Annual Meeting of Ópera Latinoamérica had an imprint. It was the first time
With a strong digital presence via streaming, of all its conferences Ópera Latinoamérica meeting: "Building Bridges, the value of networking" took place from September 25 to 27, 2017 in Bogotá Colombia. . OLA´s Annual General Meeting was attended by 100 participants, 50 international guests from 15 countries and 25 theaters and institutions during its 3