Pablo Buela at OLA: “You have to stop thinking about media and start thinking about audiences”

The General director of the PIMOD agency of Uruguay shared with the directors of communications of the theaters attending the OLA Meeting and gave a conference on Latest trends in digital marketing.
Pablo Buela has been dedicated to communication, technology, internet and online marketing for more than 15 years. This 12th OLA Meeting spent one afternoon working with the communications committee to discuss the design and application of the theater’s digital strategy.
We leave you some of the phrases that inspired us and if you want to see more visit on our YouTube channel.
- “Less content, higher quality and with guidelines”
- “It is necessary to advertise the publications to have them circulating”
- “The most relevant data of our customers are mail and cell phone”
- “Social media is not free, implies an investment Always On “
- ” Coherence, connection and synergy of advertising ON and OFF “
Pablo Buela Conference – YouTube
About Pablo Buela
The young businessman of 36, Pablo Buela has a degree in Social Communication from the Catholic University of Uruguay.
General director of PIMOD, integral advertising agency, with digital heart. Partner of PROP, the first online real estate agency in Uruguay. Partner of Premium Cars, the first online automotive of Uruguay. President of the Young Entrepreneurs Association of Uruguay. Integra the board of the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation. Graduated from the Singularity University of the United States, NASA / California, and Ambassador of the Montevideo Chapter of said University.
Participates giving courses and conferences on Online Marketing, Social Networks and Internet Business in various countries of Latin America. Former professor of the Catholic University of Uruguay in the Postgraduate in Communication in the field of Digital Marketing. Ex-columnist of the CLIX programs of CNN and Buen Día Uruguay on Channel 4 (Uruguay) on topics related to Technology, Internet and Online Marketing. AUDAP Director Uruguayan Association of Advertising Agencies.