Ópera Latinoamérica begins the celebration of its 10 years

During the Meeting of Co-productions and with an important attendance of more than 30 representatives from eight countries, preparations begin to celebrate the 10 years of OLA. Event that will take place in the city of Bogotá, Colombia next September and will have the participation of international members from the United States and Europe, with the Teatro Mayor Julio Mario Santo Domingo as organizer of this anniversary. Also, last Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22 March in Buenos Aires, the Colon Theater was confirmed at the head of the organization.
Last Tuesday, March 21 and Wednesday, March 22, 2017, at the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, the Coproductions Meeting of Ópera Latinoamérica was held. This event is the second similar organized by the institution after the first one held in 2015, and this time it managed to bring together authorities from theaters and cultural institutions of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Uruguay. In addition, Spanish representatives from the Teatros del Canal, the Opera of Tenerife and the Royal Theater via Teleconference were present.
On this occasion, in addition to the central objective of the meeting, which is to analyze the different possibilities of co-productions and / or the state of progress of the same previously agreed between the different countries and theaters that make up OLA, the advances developed by the administration during last year, and the action plan for 2017 was announced, highlighting the launch of its new website, www.operala.org, with a Spanish and English version and an intranet for members of the organization where you can find insider information and a menu with the activities of the partners, plus news about OLA It is precisely on this intranet that the results of the Latin American theater studies that took place during the past year will be shared, offering an overview of the situation of the member theaters and what they expect from the organization.
Teatro Colón was confirmed in the presidency of OLA, and the continuity of the current board was reaffirmed until the end of his term, with Alejandra Martí as Executive Director who will focus on the consolidation of the institutional framework and the diversification of its financing. Likewise, the legal constitution of Opera Latin America, with headquarters in Chile, was approved, a long-term desire that had been agreed at the meeting in Mexico City in May 2016, and that will be reinforced with the OLA statutes and regulations. At the same time, working committees will be created that will cover the following areas: Financing; Networks and alliances; Digital and audiences; Co-productions, circulation and stage-technical; Artist training; and New institutionality. In addition, a special committee for the commemoration of the 10 years of the organization, which will be held on September 26 and 27 of this year in Colombia, at the Teatro Julio Julio Santo Domingo in Bogota, occasion in which it will also be held The next annual OLA meeting.
Teatro Nacional Sucre delivered a book of theatrical plans of theaters that integrate OLA, a valuable working document that will be completed and complemented with other scenarios and institutions that are part of Opera Latin America. Within what is projected for 2017, the search for international financing is considered, as well as continuing to consolidate important alliances with theaters and institutions from other parts of the world such as, for example, the collaboration project with the Jette Parker Young Artists Program of the Royal Opera House de Londres, which will consist of master classes for young singers and repeaters and will be held next May in four Latin American cities. And in addition, to expand these networks of international alliances and collaborations, OLA will participate in Opera Europa Kiev, in Ukraine, a meeting that will be held in June this year.
The first day culminated with an opera performance that these days has opened the lyric season of the Colon: Adriana Lecouvreur, from Cilea, in a new theater production with musical direction by Mario Perusso and régie de Aníbal Lápiz, the same one He broadcast that night live via streaming.