Chilean musicologist Gonzalo Cuadra will give “Sesión Teatro del Lago” on the Baroque

It is a free meeting, via zoom, where the specialist will expose the history of the Baroque from the musical point of view, accompanied by Catalina Vicens music.
This Saturday, July 3 at 7:00 p.m., Teatro del Lago will hold, via zoom and free of charge, the session: “Baroque, the Passions and the Nations”, given by the musicologist Gonzalo Cuadra, accompanied musically by the doctor in musicology Catalina Vicens.
A new “Theater of the Lake Session” that invites us to experience a general vision of the baroque, the new sensibility that begins in 1600 and will last until the middle of the 18th century. A flight over the most interesting nations in this regard, such as: Italy, Saxony, France and Spain (with their colonies included). The presentation will end with a musical piece performed by Catalina Vicens and a conversation between the two.
“Towards the turn of the seventeenth to the eighteenth century, the music learned in Europe was balanced between universalization through travels around the world and a fierce defense of what were considered styles of each nation. Whether in a church, theater, palace or hall, music was never silenced. There was the international and overwhelming Italy, or rather its famous cities and areas of musical production such as Rome, Naples or Venice; also an exquisite and controlled France and her taste for dance and the iron vigilance of the King; also a Saxony halfway between the two and that gave the best of itself to the eaves of its Christian faith ”, Gonzalo Cuadra points out, about this session that proposes a journey through this fascinating part of our history.
Gonzalo Cuadra is a musicologist, academic and stable soloist of the groups Estudio MusicAntigua (Catholic University of Chile), Syntagma Musicum (University of Santiago) and Terra Australis, he won the President of the Republic National Music Award for the Best Musical Edition for the book-anthology “National Opera, as they called it: 1898-1950”, the first published on Chilean opera.
Catalina Vicens has a doctorate in Musicology, has three master’s degrees: in baroque music and harpsichord, in medieval music, and in interpretation of contemporary music with ancient instruments. She is the first Master of Medieval Keyboards in the world. She is the founder and artistic director of the late medieval and renaissance music ensemble, Servir Antico. Her album Il Cembalo di Partenope (2017), won a Diapason d ‘Or.
Registrations for this “Lake Theater Session: Baroque, Passions and Nations” that will take place this July 3 at 7:00 p.m., are now open at This initiative has the support of the “Program for Strengthening the regional cultural identity of the Seremi Los Lagos, Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Heritage”.