Mejor producción lírica latinoamericana: El nuevo galardón de Ópera XXI

Thanks to the partnership signed between Ópera XXI and Ópera Latinomérica; the Association of Theatres, Festivals and permanent Opera Seasons in Spain will reward the best Latin American lyric production.
The Assembly of Ópera XXI, meeting last June 14th in Jérez de la Frontera, has approved second edition of the Ópera XXI Awards. The Association of Theaters, Festivals and permanent Opera Seasons in Spain is already working on this initiative, which involves the consolidation of some national lyric awards and whose delivery ceremony will take place at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona next spring.
Through the call of these Awards, Ópera XXI consolidates the prizes that recognize the growing and solid lyric activity that is currently taking place in Spain. The bases cover a total of ten categories: to the prizes of the previous edition (musical direction, stage direction, singer, best initiative to disseminate the operatic activity, new lyric production and honorary awards of the Assembly), the categories of young singer and of better Latin American production in collaboration with Ópera Latinoamérica OLA were added.
The prize list will be completed with two new rewords: the award for the best initiative of sponsorship and patronage, which will be a recognition to the best practices of philanthropy in favor of the lyric of Spain, and the prize for the best initiative for dissemination of educational programmes, social and research and innovation related to opera and that will be open to institutions of the whole of Spanish society that stand out in these areas.
The bases of the II Ópera XXI Awards are published on the website of the Association ( The candidates will be presented during the month of September by all the Theatres, Seasons and Festivals that make up Ópera XXI and will be evaluated during the last quarter of 2019 by a jury whose composition will be announced soon. As in the first edition, the awards ceremony will take place at the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona in the spring of 2020. For successive editions the Association proposes the rotation of the headquarters of the award ceremony among the different theatres and festivals that make up Spanish lyric panorama.
The prizes of the first edition were presented on March 21st at the Hall of Mirrors of the Gran Teatre del Liceu and recognized the contribution to the world of the lyric of great artists such as Josep Carreras, Mariella Devia, Calixto Bieito and Guillermo García Calvo, as well as such as the production of Gloriana del Teatro Real and the work of the Friends of the Opera of La Coruña and Amics de l’Òpera de Sabadell.