Katalin Hajnoczy led certification in Kodàly Method in Chile invited by Fundación Ibáñez Atkinson

For ten sessions,outstanding teacher Katalin Hajnoczy, National Education Award in Hungary, trained 28 Chilean teachers invited by Fundación Ibáñez Atkinson through her Music Educa program.
“At 10, I was lucky enough to fall into the hands of a teacher who, along with our classmates, soaked us in music and we were delighted. He taught us so well, but we didn’t know we knew so much. ” Winner of the Hungarian National Education Award, Katalin Hajnoczy is convinced of the impact that a good music teacher can have on children’s development. The professor of the Department of Musical Pedagogy at the Higher Conservatory of Music of the Basque Country (MUSIKENE), has dedicated her whole life to teaching the Kodály method and during the last days she was in Chile for the first time to share that experience with 28 teachers. The teachers were part of the certification in this methodology, which is annually carried out by Fundación Ibáñez Atkinson through its Music Educa program.
The Kodàly method, recognized as intangible heritage of Unesco for its profound impact on the training of children and young people, is a recurring theme in the training of the Foundation, which since 2013 has impacted more than 400 teachers in musical methodologies, singing and folklore “We have the conviction that learning and musical practice have enormous cognitive and socio-emotional benefits for children. That is why we have set out to support and train music teachers, so that they can access different methodologies of music education so that we can amplify this impact and reach more and more children in our country, ”explains Andrés Rodríguez Spoerer, manager of Music of the Ibáñez Atkinson Foundation.
Part of the certification course was also led by the American professor and Kodàly expert, Lydia Mills.