The Teatro Real approves its strategic plan for the next five years

Internationalization, digitization, an artistic program of excellence, the participation of civil society, the recovery of normality and the commitment to security in the face of the pandemic, are the main lines of the new strategic plan for the Theater approved by the Board of Trustees.
Helena Revoredo de Gut, ratified as Vice President of the Board.
The general director, Ignacio García-Belenguer, re-elected for a period of five years at the proposal of the president of the Teatro Real, Gregorio Marañón.
The artistic director, Joan Matabosch, and the musical director, Ivor Bolton have also been renewed in their positions.
Fernando Ruiz Ruiz, new president of the Board of Protectors, and Federico Linares, vice president.
On March 3, the Teatro Real will honor the composers Antón García Abril, Cristóbal Halffter and Luis de Pablo, who died this year, with a concert.
Five months after the Royal Theater Board of Trustees re-elected, at the proposal of the Minister of Culture and Sports, Miguel Iceta, with the support of the Community of Madrid and the Madrid City Council, Gregorio Marañón as president of the institution for a new term For 5 years, the highest governing body of the Theater has approved its strategic plan for the next five years.
The president highlighted that a new and ambitious stage of recovery of normality lost due to the pandemic is beginning, an exceptional occasion for the growth and improvement of the Theater, which will take advantage of European funds to “modernize and digitize” its structures. .
The roadmap for the Theater approved by the Board of Trustees contains new measures in all areas of interest of the institution, although the first and most fundamental is the guarantee of security in the face of the pandemic, while focusing on recovery economic and up-to-date management of the challenges it poses.
Among the main lines of the strategic plan presented by Ignacio García-Belenguer, in which sustainability has a great relevance, the following stand out: the internationalization of the activity carried out by the Theater, which has received, among other recognitions, the Award for Best Theater of the Mundo at the Opera Awards; the technological revolution and adaptation to new audiences, especially young audiences, with projects as ambitious as My Opera Player; the development of an artistic program of excellence based on the principle of balance and the deepening of this public institution in promoting the participation of civil society.
Helena Revoredo de Gut has been ratified as Vice President of the Board. The president highlighted the relevance of her contribution to the Royal Theater, also as president of the International Council.
Marañón has proposed to the Board of Trustees the renewal of his mandates, until December 2026, of Ignacio García-Belenguer as general director and that of Joan Matabosch as artistic director. Likewise, that of the musical director, Ivor Bolton, has been approved until July 2025.
Claudio Aguirre’s term as president of the Board of Protectors having concluded, the Board of Trustees thanked him for his dedication during this time and has appointed Fernando Ruiz, president of Deloitte and the SERES Foundation, as the new president. Federico Linares, president of EY, also joins as new vice president. Claudio Aguirre will continue to actively participate in the Teatro Real project as a member of the Board of Friends, the International Council and the permanent commission of the Board of Protectors, also joining the board of the Fundación de Amigos del Teatro Real.
The Board has also approved the celebration of a tribute, on March 3, to the great composers Antón García Abril, Cristóbal Halffter and Luis de Pablo, very prominent figures of Spanish musical creation and whose work has marked milestones at the Teatro Real . If “Divinas Palabras”, by García Abril, was the first world premiere of the renovated Royal Theater, and “Don Quijote”, by Halffter, was a commission from the Theater for the new century, “El Abrecartas”, by De Pablo, will be in February 2022 the world premiere of the season at the Madrid Coliseum. These three great figures of contemporary Spanish music passed away, within a few months of each other, in 2021.
Finally, it has been agreed to hold a joint meeting on January 27 in Barcelona of the boards of the Royal Theater and the Gran Teatre del Liceu. It is the third time that this meeting has been held between the two institutions after those held in 2008 and 2017, with which a fruitful collaboration between them is deepened and increased.