Teatro Colón held the first meeting of lyric theater directors in Argentina

With the aim of making common problems visible, encouraging collaborative work and fostering socio-cultural development towards the respective communities, different representatives of provincial, municipal and municipal theaters met. private management for two days
Last Thursday, November 15, in the Experimental Center of the Teatro Colón, the first meeting of lyrical theater directors of Argentina began, and with its second day on Friday, November 16, at the Salón Dorado, it was possible to develop and to deepen different thematic axes with the objective of opening a dialogue and reciprocal exchange between the theaters of Argentina. With the intention of strengthening and strengthening the exchange and cooperation in the artistic, scenographic and cultural management areas.
The initiative of the Argentine Coliseum adheres to the spirit of OLA’s mission to promote networking and collaborate to strengthen the development of opera in Latin America. The collaborative work of the theaters of the region is fundamental for this, so from Opera Latin America we support and congratulate this action.
María Victoria Alcaraz, General Director of the Teatro Colón and President of OLA, received the contingent of representatives from all over the country and gave her welcome, sharing: “We believe that the Teatro Colón has the obligation and responsibility to accompany the largest number of theaters in the country. country in its development and in its cultural construction. By starting to think together and share knowledge, we can empower each other. “
Directors of Argentine theaters members of the OLA Network participated in the meeting and demonstrated in this regard. Eduardo Savastano, from the Bicentennial Theater of San Juan, recognized the vision of the Teatro Colón, thanked his generosity and proposed to have a joint project for 2020, circulating during the year in the different Argentine theaters. On the other hand Martín Bauer, Director of the Argentine Theater of the Silver, proposed to make a census of all the opera theaters of Argentina, to have the dimension of the theaters that there are in the country, of the potentiality that had and has Argentina in terms cultural.
The representatives of the Teatro Independencia de Mendoza (Darío Lanis), Miter Theater of Jujuy (Luis Medina), Tronador de Mar del Plata (Marcelo González), TheaterConstantino de Bragado Theater (Malena Católica), Posadas Knowledge Center(Emilio) were present Roschol), Argentine Theater of La Plata (Martín Bauer), Teatro El Círculo de Rosario(Guido Martínez Carbonel and Marcelo Aronna), San Martín de Tucumán Theater (Victoria Keter), Bicentennial Theater of San Juan (Eduardo Savastano), Teatro San Rafael Aguiar de San Nicolás (Carlos Colombo), Teatro Español de Azul (Ezequiel Valicenti), Teatro 1 de Mayo de Santa Fé (Fabian Rodriguez), Gualeguaychú Theater of Entre Ríos (Francisco Melchiori), Teatro Libertador de Córdoba (Maximiliano Olocco), Italian Society of Wolves Theater (Aldana Actis Grosso), Coliseo Theater of CABA (Elisabetta Riva), Spanish Theater of Pringles (Carlos Valentini), Municipal Theater Poiseá Coliseum of La Plata (Gastón Marioni) and Teat ro Roma de Avellaneda (Cecilia Rodríguez and Irene Petroff).