The Christmas show at the Teatro Amazonas that highlights the importance of living in the present

“From time to time.” This is a message that director Jean Palladino brings to the program of the campaign “The Enchanted World of Christmas – Where Joy is Made of Magic”, with the musical “A Gift for Christmas”, which ends on Thursday, December 23 , at 8:00 p.m., on the stage of the Teatro Amazonas.
In an hour and a half, the unprecedented show tells the story of Ana (Ana Aurora / Raylla Araújo), a ten-year-old girl who, in a family gathering at Christmas, experiences a contradiction in time. After finding an old clock from her grandfather, the protagonist travels back in time, meeting different characters along the way, to understand that the main moment to live is the present.
“We hope that people can go through the emotions that we, the team, go through. It is a sensitive show, which goes from emotion to laughter, to calm, so that the public feels this message that we really need to live in the present”, says Jean Palladino, director of the show.
And he adds that the expectation is that everyone is well dedicated, artists, technical staff and public, so that, together, they can live this moment that the theater offers. “The story speaks of time stopping and the proposal is that time stops while the show is taking place; and be our great meeting that will leave us breathless, because we need it, ”says the director.
With 12 years of career and training in Performing Arts at the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA), the director highlights that “A Christmas Gift” represents an important moment in his artistic career, which includes theater and clown work. He highlights that circus art will be one of the differentials of the show this year.
“It is a musical designed with great care and dedication that also brings the circus aesthetic and the new generation of artists that is gaining strength in the city,” says Palladino, who is directing a Christmas show for the first time. “This year was one of many achievements, in which we bet on the universe of the circus, a topic that we have already investigated and, now, we bring this language to the Christmas show,” he emphasizes.
Jean Palladino is an actor, director, clown and playwright and his history includes shows such as “A Princesa ea Lua”, from the Artbrasil Association; “Helena”, by Ateliê 23; “Circo de La Mama” and “El Clown de La Mancha”, by Cacompanhia de Artes Cênicas; in addition to the Roda na Praça and Clownidiano projects. In 2021, the artist signed the first edition of the Open Carpa Circus Festival and inaugurated the Barravento Cultural Center, a space with free circus courses.
Cast and production
The musical has two casts, called “Trupe” and “Picadeiro”, who take turns on stage, with Ana Aurora and Raylla Araújo (Ana); Julia Kahane and Daniele Peinado (mother); Akiles Anderson and Roque Baroque (Mr. Midnight); Thiana Colares and Laís Reis (Mr. Half Day); Paulo Queiroz and Wilson do Carmo (Young Grandfather); Enrique Bravo and Davy Chaves (Tempo) and Karine Magalhães (Ana del futuro).
The circus performers are José Arenas (lyre and cloth), Teffy Rojas (unicycle and juggling), Iogan Ariel (peg leg), Emmanuel Delgado (Cyr wheel) and Jean Winder (handstand).
Amazonas Philharmonic, Amazonas Choir, Amazonas Dance Corps and Amazonas Folklore Ballet are also part of “A Gift for Christmas”. Director Marcelo de Jesus will share the regency with director Otávio Simões.
The songs were composed especially for the show by composer César Lima, who arranges with Jr. Armstrong.
Flávia Furtado is the executive director, with Pedro Guida as executive producer, Francine Marie as assistant director, Giorgia Massetani as set designer, Melissa Maia as costume designer, Tabbatha Melo as lighting designer, Monique Rodrigues as choreographer and Alicio Silva as director. scenography.
Hours: The recitations take place until December 23, with sessions at 8:00 p.m., except for Sundays, which will be presented in sessions at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. On site, it is mandatory to wear a mask and present a vaccination card with a complete vaccination schedule against Covid-19.
Access to the show was by appointment. All sessions sold out.
“The Enchanted World of Christmas”
Where magic is made of joy” is a program carried out by the Government of Amazonas, through the Ministry of Culture and Creative Economy, in partnership with the Fund for Social Promotion and Poverty Eradication (FPS) and the Amazon Agency for Cultural Development (AADC), with the support of the Secretary of State for Education and Sports, Dr. Rosemary Costa Pinto Health Surveillance Foundation (FVS-RCP), Amazon Technological Education Center (Cetam), Sustainable Development Agency ( ADS), Executive Secretary of Labor and Entrepreneurship (Setemp), TV Encontro das Águas and Official Press of the State of Amazonas (IOA).
This year, the program also covers the Palácio da Justiça Cultural Center, where the Fábrica do Papai Noel is located, presentations at the Installation Theater, in addition to the Full Time Education Centers (Cetis), neighborhoods, parks in Manaus, social centers and also municipalities. of the state.
To consult the entire agenda, go to the Culture Portal ( and the social networks of the Department of Culture and Creative Economy (@culturadoam).