Maria Callas Brazilian Singing Contest celebrates the centenary of the opera diva in its 21st edition

Registration for the contest is now open until December 9. All Brazilian and South American singers between 18 and 40 years old can apply. The contest will take place between March 26 and April 2, 2023 in the cities of São Paulo and Jacareí.
The 21st Maria Callas Brazilian Singing Contest (1923-2023) – Centennial Edition will be held between March 26 and April 2, 2023, in the cities of São Paulo and Jacareí.
All Brazilian and South American lyrical singers between 18 and 40 years old, resident or not in their countries, may participate. Singers of other nationalities may participate as long as they reside in Brazilian territory for at least six months.
The elimination phase will be remote and the candidates will have to send a video singing an operatic aria, recorded exclusively for the Contest. The videos will be analyzed by an internal commission of the Compañía Ópera São Paulo and Amigos da Cia. Ópera São Paulo.
On December 28, 2022, the list of singers selected to participate in the face-to-face semifinal in São Paulo will be presented. Those selected who live outside of Brazil will have lodging with breakfast and a travel financing aid of US $200 (two hundred dollars).
The jury will be made up of prominent and important names on the national and international lyrical scene.
Entries can be made on the São Paulo Opera Company website. Sign up here.
Official Programming
March 26, 2023 (Sunday): São Paulo
10am – Official Opening of the 21st Callas Festival – Centennial Concert
Venue: Sérgio Cardoso Theater – Nydia Licia Hall
March 27, 2023 (Monday): São Paulo
10 a.m. – Semifinal Phase
7:00 p.m. – Conference
Venue: Sérgio Cardoso Theater – Paschoal Carlos Magno Hall
March 28, 2023 (Tuesday): São Paulo
10 a.m. – Semifinal Phase
7:00 p.m. – Conferences
March 29, 2023 (Wednesday): Jacareí
Master classes and conferences
Venue: Mário Lago Hall
March 30, 2023 (Thursday): Jacareí
5:00 p.m. – Final Phase
Venue: Mário Lago Hall
March 31, 2023 (Friday): Jacareí
Masterclasses and conferences
Venue: Mário Lago Hall
April 1, 2023 (Saturday): Jacareí
7pm – Winners Concert
Venue: Ariano Suassuna Theater
Day April 02, 2023 (Sunday): São Paulo
11 a.m. – Award Recital
Venue: Sergio Cardoso Theater – Paschoal Carlos Magno Hall