The OLA Co-Productions Meeting ended with great success

With the attendance of more than 30 representatives from 8 countries, the Co-productions Meeting of Ópera Latinamérica ended. This meeting, which highlighted institutional advances such as the approval of new legal statutes and achievements of 2016, presented the strategic plan for this year that will focus on strengthening the network and consolidating strategic alliances.
At Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, on Tuesday, March 21 and Wednesday, March 22, the co-productions meeting of Ópera Latinamérica was held, the second of its kind that the organization has held since 2015. This meeting in which representatives of theaters from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, Mexico and Uruguay, the progress made by the administration during 2016 and the plan for this year were presented.
In addition to the main objective, which is to analyze the different possibilities of co-productions, the main themes of this assembly were the legal constitution of OLA based in Chile and the launch of the new website of the organization that has an intranet for members and it has a Spanish and English version.
Likewise, the 2017 plan of the organization includes the search for international financing; consolidation of important international alliances such as the collaboration project with the Jette Parker Young Artists Program of the Royal Opera House in London. Agreement that consists of master classes for young singers and repeaters to be held in May in 4 Latin American cities.
Finally, the next annual OLA meeting was confirmed, which will be held next September at the Teatro Julio Julio Santo Domingo that coincides with the celebration of the 10 years of Opera Latin America.