The Director of the Solís Theater, Daniela Bouret, highlighted the history of the opera as part of the Teatro Solís "Montevideo has an operatic tradition: since 1856 we have represented opera" The Main Hall of the Solís Theater dressed as an opera to receive the public and the press. The Director


The bet of the XXI version of the Amazonas Opera Festival will include incredible opera productions, master classes and laboratories working around the lyric genre in schools and cultural centres . Under the artistic direction of Luiz Fernando Malheiro the renowned festival presents the operas and master classes that make up the program


Santiago is the neuralgic point of Chile and obligatory stop for every tourist that comes to the country attracted by the impressive nature north and south of the country. The Chilean capital is developing a broad gastronomic and cultural offer received  5,640,700 tourists last year. Municipal de Santiago, the main opera house of Chile, its a 160 years