(ES) El curso se realizará entre el próximo 28 de marzo y 1 de abril y está dirigido a actores, músicos, cantantes, artistas circenses, bailarines, entre otros.
(ES) El curso se realizará entre el próximo 28 de marzo y 1 de abril y está dirigido a actores, músicos, cantantes, artistas circenses, bailarines, entre otros.
(ES) La ópera de cámara de la compositora Laura Kaminsky se estrena el 16 de marzo en el Teatro Libre de Chapinero (Bogotá).
(ES) La cita con la artista miembro de la plataforma Escena Digital es el próximo sábado 5 de marzo a las 19:00 horas.
(ES) La nueva edición del Concurso Brasileño de Canto María Callas está con inscripción abierta hasta el 18 de febrero de 2022 a través la página de la Cia. Ópera São Paulo.
(ES) Gesta Nacional - Antología de la ópera chilena es el título del concierto que busca poner en valor distintas óperas compuestas por chilenos desde finales del siglo XIX hasta el siglo XXI.
More than 100 artists have benefited from the INBAL program, which contributes to the professional development of singers and pianists. On January 7, the Fine Arts Opera Studio (EOBA) celebrates eight years of activities, during which it has contributed to the training of 96 singers and 16 pianists through an improvement
Samuel Barber's opera A Hand of Bridge is the work chosen for this initiative that mixes digital animation and stop motion. The artists, member of Escena Digital Karolyn Rosero and Christian Correa will participate in the cast of the production that will be available for free on YouTube. Ópera Nova has
The program includes the premiere of "Sound and Fury" by composer Anna Clyne and "Symphony No. 9" by Ludwig van Beethoven. This November 26 and 27, the Guatemalan tenor and member of Escena Digital, Mario Chang, takes the stage with the soprano Michelle Bradley, the mezzo-soprando Jennifer Johnson Cano and the
From November 23 to 25, at 7:00 p.m., the works can be enjoyed through the YouTube channel and the Facebook account of the Corporación Cultural Universidad de Concepción, Corcudec. El Cristo de Elqui; Renca, Paris and Liendres, and the recently released La Compuerta n ° 12 are the three operas by
On her December schedule, the Escena Digital member artist will be joined by the Stockton Chorale and the Northern California Boys Choir. The Colombian mezzo-soprano Monica Danilov, member of Escena Digital will participate in the presentation of "El Mesías" by Georg Friedrich Händel on December 4, 2021 as part of a