Welcome! OLA greets two new members

The OLA Network integrates two new Latin American theaters: Bicentennial Theater of San Juan in Argentina and from Mexico the Bicentennial Theater of León.
Today the integration of two emblematic theaters to the OLA network was announced, which is focused on supporting the development and dissemination of the lyrical work of Latin American theaters.
The new trans-Andean member is the Bicentennial Theater in the City of San Juan, Argentina, which is one of the most important cultural spaces in the country. Its modern design and the exceptional conditions, technology and acoustics of the main hall place it at the level of the best stages in the world allowing the presentation of large-scale shows. It is defined as a field open to all artistic genres. Due to the diversity and quality of its programming and training activities, it will be the generator and meeting point for artistic expressions and cultural and educational experiences of the community as a whole.
The renowned musician from San Juan, with postgraduate degrees in administration and management of organizations, Eduardo Savastano is the General Director of the Bicentennial Theater.
The second of these is the Teatro del Bicentenario de León in Mexico, an enclosure that harmoniously combines aesthetics, functionality and technical precision. It was inaugurated on December 7, 2010 within the framework of the national celebrations in commemoration of the two hundred years of the beginning of the Independence of Mexico and the Centenary of the Revolution and is a decentralized organ of the Guanajuato Cultural Forum, the most important cultural complex of the center of the country.
Welcome! We look forward to the future collaborations with our Argentine and Mexican friends!