The Teatro del Libertador San Martín opens a call for the female dance corps of the Official Ballet of the Province

The Teatro del Libertador San Martín calls for an audition to select reinforcements for the female dance corps of the Official Ballet of the Province for contracts for May 2022. The audition will take place next Wednesday, February 23, starting at 09:00 a.m. , in the ballet halls entering through Duarte Quirós 165.
The new call for the Teatro del Libertador San Martín establishes that the minimum age to participate is 17 years old, the registration of applicants will take place from this Thursday, February 17, and until Tuesday, February 22, at 5:00 p.m. , through the mail
Those interested must attach to the mail a brief resume with photo (one page), ID and medical certificate issued by a licensed professional that guarantees that the applicant is in a position to perform tasks that are highly physically demanding, all in PDF format. On the day of the audition, they must present the original documents (CV, DNI and medical certificate).
The class will have two knockout instances: Bar and Center. The use of pointe shoes will be mandatory in the center, the use of the chinstrap is mandatory in all theater spaces, even during class.
Applicants must present themselves one hour before the scheduled time for the class, they will be informed via email of the time assigned to them for the class. Depending on the number of applicants, two or three classes will be held, each class will have a maximum of fifteen (15) applicants. They will be assigned to the class in alphabetical order.
Other requirements
Audition attire should be: Light torso; Can-can clear, bone or pink; Hair gathered in a bun; Footwear: half tips and tips; The use of shorts, leggings, t-shirts, etc. will not be allowed.
Applicants must be without rings, chains, watches or piercings during class. They must not have tattoos that cannot be completely covered with makeup.
Applicants who do not meet everything requested in this call will not be able to participate in the audition.
The evaluation team is made up of: Hadrian Avila Arzuza, director of the Teatro del Libertador; Laura Fiorucci, director of the Official Ballet; Alexander Ananiev, Master of the Official Ballet; Silvina Pino, teacher of the Official Ballet; Jairo Benites, master of the Official Ballet; and a veedor of the same company. Finally, the people who will accompany the applicants will not be able to enter the theater on the day of the audition.