Ópera de Colombia de Bogotá

Dirección: Carrera 5 No. 9 – 14. Casa Sanz de Santamaría. Bogotá, Colombia.
Phone: +57 1281 9626
Web: www.operadecolombia.com
Facebook: OperadeColombia

Instagram: @operadecolombia

Twitter: @operadecolombia


Abstract: The Opera of Colombia was created in 1976 by the then Colombian Institute of Culture, Colcultura (current Ministry of Culture); Once this institution was dissolved, the Camarín del Carmen Foundation -constituted in 1988 as a non-profit cultural entity by joint initiative of the former President of the Republic Doctor Belisario Betancur and Mrs. Gloria Zea- took up the initiative to promote lyrical art in the country.