Teatro del Bicentenario de San Juan

Name of billing: Agencia San Juan del Bicentenario S.E.M
Address: Las Heras 430 (Sur). J5402FNR – San Juan. Argentina.
Phone: +54 26 4427 6438
Web: www.teatrodelbicentenariosanjuan.org
Facebook: TBicentenarioSanJuan

Instagram: @teatrodelbicentenariosanjuan

Twitter: @tbicentenariosj

YouTube: Teatro Del Bicentenario San Juan


Reseña: The Bicentennial Theater is a center of art and culture open to all genres of art that stimulates innovation and cutting-edge cultural creation. With a strong vocation for excellence, it intends to become, through the diversity and quality of its programming, a mobilizer of society, generating a meeting point around the artistic and educational experience. The Bicentennial Theater has the mission of becoming the driving force and reference of the San Juan culture due to the richness of its programming and the integrating capacity of its cultural activities since local production occupies a prominent place in the grid.